What is organic?

    The idea of ​​the word “organic”

    The word “organic” is one of the more vague expressions in Japan. If the word “organic” is regarded as “organic”, there is the “Organic Agriculture Promotion Law” officially enacted in 2006. “It is carried out using agricultural production methods that reduce the environmental burden derived from agricultural production as much as possible, based on the absence of chemically synthesized fertilizers and pesticides and the use of genetically modified techniques. It means “agriculture”. In other words, it is a crop that does not use chemical pesticides or fertilizers and is not genetically modified.

    However, even when visiting farmers all over the country, there are different ways of thinking about “organic” and farming methods. Is the farmland cultivated or no-tillage? What fertilizer is used or is it fertilizer-free? Is the fertilizer-free cultivation natural or natural farming? The more you know, the more diverse it is.Therefore, this website dares to use the word “organic” in a broad sense. Whether or not to use pesticides is certainly important, but I think it is more important for producers to “make with all their heart” and “make for the joy of the mind and body of consumers”.

    “Organic” range

    We think of “organic” as including macrobiotic, raw food, vegetarian food, and not only vegetable food but also meat and fish food. And I would like to extend this broad sense to the point of being organic in clothing, food and housing, including our lifestyle, regardless of what we eat.

    What is important is that it is organic as a “biodiversity conservation effect,” which is the same as the national guidelines. For the future of the earth, we want to be an “organic life” to achieve the SDGs that the whole world is aiming for. Living to create a sustainable society in harmony with the natural environment as well as organic food. Instead of mass production and mass consumption, I would like to disseminate food, living tools, and ways of life that are the opposite of that.